Per regular seat cost is BDT- 3500/- (Per month). But mode of the payment will be semester wise and advance.
A new student has to pay BDT- 24000/- only in 1st semester and after that BDT- 21000/- in every semester.
The Hall payment should be done during academic registration (beginning in the semester)
You can deposit money Accounts section, at DSC.
Or pay through the student Hall portal using
How do I make an online payment for a seat booking ?
How can I make an online payment for seat renewal every semester?
Students can cancel their seat twice in a year. In every semester Hall Authority will announce notice for seat cancelation for a specific time period. Interested students have to apply within the time frame.
Male Hall:-
01847334956 (YKSG-1)
01896034256 ( YKSG-2)
Female Hall:-
01896034255 (RASG).